Friday, August 9, 2013

Visions of My Past

Fragile is my memory,
Yielding visions that have haunted me.
Taking me back to a long ago place,
Welling up feelings of anger and disgrace.
My tormentor standing nude over a long narrow bed,
Me cowering in the corner full of fear and dread.
Memory, oh memory please make that time obtuse!
I keep yelling it over and over.., but alas it's no use.

by Donna Evans 8-7-2012


  1. There are No Monsters Under the Bed

    Beyond vague memories of darkness
    Of barrier’s built out of blankets
    I hear the voice, monotone
    I feel the monsters hands
    Why can’t I scream, why don’t I scream?
    Why can’t I just wake up?
    Because I am not asleep… and it was not a dream
    It was a nightmare…that still haunts me.

  2. snw912minded, there are more on my blog it is: recommend "SICKO" I wrote it from the point of the mother that would have protected her child (which did not happen in my case). Great poem by the way. I hope it was freeing for you, as mine are for me!
