Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Voice/Journaling

My voice for so many years was non-existant!
I was robbed at an early age. It made me painfully
shy, sometimes a bit of a bully, and always an outsider.
For years I have lived without a voice, because i didn't
know where I had lost it...or how. I've recently discovered
that my voice was here all the time,..I had just never been
taught to use it! Today I reclaim it. I will use it wisely...
I hope. To soothe and uplift and help others who have
lost their voices too!

   by Donna Evans 10-03-12

The Vulgarities of Time

Wrinkly eyes and baggy knees, are a few of the things caused by this desease....Time.
Arthristis and bursitis joints aching in pain,every time it decides to rain.
Time it keeps a coming.
Knee and hip replacement are common place,can I please get a lift for my bust and my face!
My back hurts,my feet hurt no longer can I skip, I don't want to fall and break a hip.
Time it keeps a coming.
I can't see without glasses like Mr. Magoos, I'll get some lasik surgery that might do!
A nip here a tuck there of stitches or staples, please just let me sit under the maples.
Time It keeps a coming.
Why God did you play such a dirty trick?To be young and vital and then get old and sick.
Well I had my turn it was a good run, now all the surgeries and torture are done.
Time it keeps a coming.
For all the aches, pains, and wrinkles..I am not glad, but thank you for the Time I had.
Time has come!

                    by Donna Evans 10-23-12