Sunday, February 3, 2013

Muddling Through

Jagged glass all through my mind.
I tiptoe through to see what I might find.

Broken memories of long ago
..of times that were happy? I do not know.

All I remember was pain and childhood lost,
The chaos of this pain has been at a great cost.

But it couldn't have all been bad..there must have been some good,
The pieces of this wild puzzle put together just could,

Solve the riddle of these shards tossed aimlessly,
And bring some good memories back to me.

by Donna Evans 2-3-2013


Her name was Confusion, she was afraid more often than not,
She didn't know about life or what love was...she had never been taught.

She went through each day not living at all,
Too petrified to make a mistake and fall.

She had never been told she was pretty or smart,
So she stayed by herself,..kept herself apart.

She peered through the curtains of her house everyday,
Waiting and watching for life to come her way.

But that's not how it works...she must open the door,
Invite life in and go out and explore!

by Donna Evans  2-3-2013

Friday, February 1, 2013



The man he thinks he's sleek and quick,
His hands are poisonous and slick,
But ultimately he is really sick.

He makes me shudder with horrible fear,
Thinking he might have touched my little dear,
Quietly I crouch in the corner making sure he doesn't come near.

His depravity is plain upon his face,
His plot in planned in a deep dark space,
In the blackness of his soul thoughts of debase.

I see this in him as I watch and wait,
Willing myself to make the fear abate,
I could I have been so faulty to pick him as a mate.

I can't allow this to go any farther and fester,
How could he touch his child and molest her,
Alas he comes to the room to sequester,

His loins upon his child so meek,
He's not a man, he's just abominable and weak,
It's justice now that I will seek.

He slips inside her bedroom door with ease,
His erection I see him squeeze,
As I flick on the light, and drop him with my knee.

"How could you"I cry "what's wrong with you"!
To touch a child that's so years few,
"But now it's you that I'm gonna screw"!

I push 911 as he's whimpering in pain,
They come and  arrest him and put him in chains,
Myself now.. I must regain!

However my child is safe, and that's what counts,
Don't mess with this mother's child for she will pounce,
Taking pound for pound of your an ounce!

by Donna Evans   2-01-2013