Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Voice/Journaling

My voice for so many years was non-existant!
I was robbed at an early age. It made me painfully
shy, sometimes a bit of a bully, and always an outsider.
For years I have lived without a voice, because i didn't
know where I had lost it...or how. I've recently discovered
that my voice was here all the time,..I had just never been
taught to use it! Today I reclaim it. I will use it wisely...
I hope. To soothe and uplift and help others who have
lost their voices too!

   by Donna Evans 10-03-12

The Vulgarities of Time

Wrinkly eyes and baggy knees, are a few of the things caused by this desease....Time.
Arthristis and bursitis joints aching in pain,every time it decides to rain.
Time it keeps a coming.
Knee and hip replacement are common place,can I please get a lift for my bust and my face!
My back hurts,my feet hurt no longer can I skip, I don't want to fall and break a hip.
Time it keeps a coming.
I can't see without glasses like Mr. Magoos, I'll get some lasik surgery that might do!
A nip here a tuck there of stitches or staples, please just let me sit under the maples.
Time It keeps a coming.
Why God did you play such a dirty trick?To be young and vital and then get old and sick.
Well I had my turn it was a good run, now all the surgeries and torture are done.
Time it keeps a coming.
For all the aches, pains, and wrinkles..I am not glad, but thank you for the Time I had.
Time has come!

                    by Donna Evans 10-23-12

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ode to Dot

This poem is for Dot (and her family) whom passed to the great beyond a few weeks ago. The poem was taken from the many meanderings of her children....as Dot had dementia. She was however very sweet, and always had a smile for me.

Strong yet sweet she had a quick wit,
She didn't take anybody's s---!

She loved to garden, loved crosswords too,
and often enjoyed watching her family (from her bedroom window) in the pool.

She had a gusto for life and lived it well.
So today we'll celebrate her life and say a fond farewell.

Bon Voyage Dot, have a great trip! love you, Donna

The Gift

Give me, give me, stuff me full, of love, of affection
of all that is good!

Tell me I'm beautiful, slim, and smart,
and I'll give you all you want...straight from my heart!

by Donna Evans 9-12-12

Trees, Trees, and More Trees

Widespread and graceful sweeping the ground,
Boughs laden with leaves of every color abound.

Willows, Oaks,Sycamores, and Elms to name a few,
I love them all with their striking hue.

Some barks are smooth, and others are rough,
Like the Redwood trees I can never get enough.

All shapes and sizes the leaves they fall,
Swirling, and floating as the wind gives its call.

It's autumn then winter, it's time to rest,
So when spring time comes we'll look our best.

by Donna Evans  9-12-12

A Tribute to Dixie

This letter came about in 2004 after the death of a very dear friend of my mother. She infused herself into the lives of all who came into contact with her, and I was one of them.

Death it seems so final. What's the point of life?
We're here and then gone. Most of us don't make much of a mark, if any at all.
I'll miss you Dixie....I don't know what the point of your life was, but you did make a mark...
for me anyhow. Your constant good humor and your naughty girl attitude ...even at 80
something,...was inspirational. Your thirst for life, and I think you lived it to the fullest
was apparent.You'll be missed by many I'm sure. Bye for now, have a great trip! Love you, Donna

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Love

My man is a balm to my wounds.
He accepts me for who I am,.....
battle scars and all.
He tells me I'm beautiful first thing in
the morning....bad breath, hair sticking
out everywhere, and sleep
still in the corner of my eyes.
Now that's love!
If I gain a few pounds I'm still his
beautiful woman.
Sometimes I can be a shrew, and he loves
me even through this.
He's the keel of my life, my husband.

by Donna Evans 8-26-12

The Non-Entity

Anxiety! That's what I feel.
An overwhelming pressure of
feelings and emotions!
Anger, fear, not measuring up
to anothers criteria!
Plunging  into darkness, alone
sleepy, cold, numbness, death.

by Donna Evans 8-11-05


Engorged with fear, I feel ready to explode.
It's forever just under the surface.
Just out of reach for me to be able to dispell it!
Fear has life in me.
The molecules of it penetrate my very being.
Where do I start, and how can I seperate it from me!
Fear is all consuming.
It's an entity that grows little by little until it is born.
It's pararlizing!
It takes away your humanity, and turns you into a cowering animal.
This has been my destiny.
This is the inheritance you left me.
Your choice to abuse me changed my life.
You crossed the line and changed who I could have been!
Now that I realize this I can change my destiny.
From this point on I will meet fear head on.
I will deal with it, I will conquer it.
I can and will live a new life, a fuller life, a life without fear!

by Donna Evans 7-22-04

The Mask

Buried in the earth the worms eat away the strife,
That has been heaped upon me in this life.

Out I shall come bones gleaming as can be,
Out I shall come I'll be free...I'll be free.

The mask removed, I'll be me ...I'll be me!

by Donna Evans 9-11-12

The Tides of One Life

Abuse and pain have been a part of me too long.
I am going to forgive the wrong.

Scalpel in hand, cancer in sight,
I'm going to cut away this blight.

Wholeness and peace I will feel once more,
As the tides go in and out on my emotional shore.
I run, I escape, I've learned to fight once more.

by Donna Evans 9-10-12


Meek and mild with a bold flair,
These are dualities my essence shares.

by Donna Evans 9-9-12


Coming out of the closet of shame and abuse,
I no longer wish to be a recluse.

Clarity of mind and scarred soul,
I don't know if  I'll ever feel whole.

Testing the waters, taking a dip,
Rejoining scociety is difficult I quip.

Climbing, climbing, and climbing out of my self dug pit,
I will  no longer take anyones shit!

Climbing the peak from the top I will soar,
Releasing anger, angst,and ill will from my core.

 by Donna Evans 9-9-12

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Just Thinking

Solemly I sit deciding what should I write? What are my thoughts? Are they profound? I'm not sure, but I would like them to be. What is a profound thought? Is it a thought that makes you feel  good? Does it make you feel intellegent? I would like to know. Can I have a profound thought? Am I capable? I think.......maybe yes. Iwill have one tomorrow!

      by Donna Evans 7-3-04

The Sunset of my Soul

Blowing, moving, fleeing, stretching across the sky,
Blue, purple, orange, yellow, red floating over the ocean,
Peaceful silence, calm reflections,
Lazy evening ventures, watching, waiting,
Bursting into my visual senses, claiming my mind,
soothing my sorrows, fulfilled!

               by Donna Evans 9-1-12

The Attacker

Darkness....darkness everywhere darkness.
My thoughts tangled and twisted,
My actions faulty and incomplete.
No end to the terror...no light to be seen...
no answers...no forgiveness.
No life to live.

   by Donna Evans 2011

Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Prayer of Thanks

Lord you are my salvation. I've come to you, because my thirst won't be quenched be worldy things. You know what I thirst for...what my desires are. I trust in you Lord. My faith rests in you, and I cast my cares on your shoulders. I know you will never forsake me.
You have given me my beautiful new clothes, and thank you Lord they will never wear out or be outdated. Lord your blood has cleansed me, it has made me whole and free. You have given me a beautiful brand new outlook on life!, and I hope I'll be able to tell others about your beauty, gentleness, forgiveness, and love...as You did: in boldness, and strength in kindness, and mercy with love....never judging. I want to feed on your word everyday! Help me press in, use me, help me to see inside myself, and to clean up my house (my soul). Show me how to be a lighthouse...a beacon to your word with all boldness, and clarity in my spirit. Father you know the innermost desires of my heart, even those I don't recognise! My life is yours Lord share yours with me! Prepare me Lord I know you have a plan for me, help me to be strong and full of your spirit, joy, and fearlessness. Bind those who come against me. Don't let me fall into the traps of the enemy. Help me to truely love my enemies, to pray for them, and bless them. I want use all the gifts you have given me. You gave us these gifts, you paid the price for our sins our selfishness our humanity. Show me where and when and how to use these gifts. Help me to learn by faith to use them to glorify you Lord and never myself! All praise,  honor,  exaltation, and glory to you Lord God. Amen

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Flower

Long and slender, gracfully moving in the breeze. Supple and soft,with plump buds bursting with hues not made with human hands. Twisting and twining, digging roots into the soil. Toiling, florishing, beauty at it's best,...then it's time to take a rest.

                                         by Donna Evans 8-29-12

The Song

Life is all about love and friendship, love well and all man will be part of that kinship.
Your heart beats rythmically, singing your song, because even if you don't feel it you are very strong.
Sing.....sing.....sing, and live life to it's epitome, keep loving, learning, and laughing....make your life a great poem.

                                      by Donna Evans 1996

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Anger Calm

Anger is an all consuming energy! It's a violent hurricane ripping things apart, and destroying anything in it's path!
I desire calm and peacefullness,......like floating on the winds of Spring....doing nothing more complex than smelling all the aromas of Mother Nature.

                   by Donna Evans 8-14-05

The crux of it

I'm the ripples on a lake. Never at the center of what caused the ripples (not knowing what caused them), but forever going outward, running away from the cause!

                                              by Donna Evans 7-19-04


My dreams perturb me. Sometimes they even scare me. There's always something fearful lurking , and I am always running....running away. I must face the unknown fear so I may be free.
i think I must be afraid to find out what or whomit could be....maybe it's my father in monster forms and proportions.......or maybe....it's me!

                         by Donna Evans

A composition of life.

Needy that's what we are, we all need.....love affection, joy etc.! These are all needs to be a healthy person. To be alive, to be in life, to enjoy life to it's fullest. Love, the water of life, it is what wets are appetites for friendships, and companionship, the meat of life, and of course that leads to joy and affection....the dessert of life. which brings us back to love. These needs all make up the infinite circle of life. Which I live. Thank You! ....quite happily now!

                               by Donna Evans 7-9-04


 I'm in a small cage, and there dosen't seem to be any way out! Round and round I go peering thru the bars as life itself goes by.I ponder at all the free birds outside, where do they all go, and why aren't they all in cages too!
 I'm eating and eating........ the seed weighs me down. I feel tired and sluggish. I just want to sleep! Oh to be free from this cage, like all those other birds out there, but I can't leave,...it's safe,..it's my home,..it's the prison Iv'e built bar by bar by bar. Someday I'll find the hidden door. Then I'll fly away! FREEDOM!

                                             by Donna Evans 7-8-04

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Sisters

 My sisters, I have 3. I love them. Sometimes they make me angry, other times they make me feel glad, and so proud to be a part of them......us. I've wondered what it would be like to be an only child ( as I'm sure sisters sometimes do), but then I think........it would be like a person missing an arm or a leg...or some other vital part. I don't think I'd function as well as I should.....I'd be incomplete. My sisters make me whole, they round me out, they are honest (mostly) with me. Am I beautiful? Well of course you are they'd say, a raving beauty, as I'd also say to them, and of course I'd mean it! They love me even when I'm unlovable. They are my personal cheerleading squad, my friends, my guardian angels, they are my loves, my sisters.

                                               by Donna Evans 7-03-04

Sunday, August 12, 2012


I have this huge tornado inside of my brain,
It's been causing me..oh so very much pain.

Some day I will get some relief,
In that I have to have belief.

Or I would probably go insane,
From this dreadful dreadful web of pain.

    by Donna Evans   Dec. of 1991

Web of Pain

This web of pain is not a test,
In this horrible instance it was called incest.

I have to deal with it day by day,
And hope that some way I will get some rest.

     by Donna Evans  Dec. of 1991

Abuse of the Ages

It started out as a lonely life. No one else my age to play with, only adults. I remember snipetts of fear. I don't know what from, but I remember it and it felt tangible.

 I'm 3 or 4. Put your face in my lap (daddy this is not comfortable. I don't want my head here). Mommy why can't you see from the back of the truck?

I'm 7. We just got a big dolly from my aunt...one of my cousins old dolls. It's as big as my little sister. I make the dolly pretty with her high heels and dress.....then I take off her clothes, and touch her like daddy touches me. It doesn't feel good.

I'm 9. Mommy please take me with you to cousins wedding...Please. Honey you'll be fine, I'm only going to be gone for 2 days. Daddy is going to watch you. Please mommy PLEASE can I go with you! No you'll have fun with daddy. I'll see you the day after tomorrow. Daddy comes in our room late at night....and pulls down the covers....then pulls down my pants, and touches me on my private spot. I want to say stop...stop...STOP, but i'm scared...I just watch him....he puts his tongue there! Mommy...Pleeeaase come home.

I'm 8. He comes in every so often. So I'm going to change rooms (maybe he won't find me). He does.
Mommy can I tell you something? I don't like daddy touching me. She doesn't understand what I'm saying. He doesn't stop.

I'm 10. We're moving to a new house..Yeah! I get my own room! Wait I don't know about this. Oh honey I thought you'd be happy to have your own room (mom says)......I am, but can I have a lock ....so... aaa....my little sisters can't get in (yeah that's it)? No you can't, you don't need a lock on your door. I'm sorry you're not going to have that room of your own yet........Grandpa is moving in temporarily. (I'm pouting outwardly, but inwardly...Oh God thank you!) But mom that's not fair.....I smile inside.

I'm 11. Mom....dad touches me! What do you mean? Mommy he touches me down there....".OH MY GOD!!! "( Oh no....is it my fault?  Please don't hate me I didn't mean to! Please don't hate me!....I already hate myself). They are getting a divorce. NO....I love my dad, just make him stop touching me! Don't make him leave. Daddy is crying , and begging......he punches a hole in the bathroom wall. IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!!!

I'm 12. I don't like me I'm scared of everything, and everyone. I just stay by myself. Maybe no one will notice me,......but I don't really like being alone, I want friends. I'm just afraid they won't like me. Why should they....I don't like myself.

I'm 13, I'm 18, I'm 28, I'm 35. I still am not happy with me. I have learned how to appear not to be so shy, but I still am....even though I have 2 teenage daughters (I am still single). My dad has told me he was sorry ( he had a triple bypass, and thought he was gonna die). I want to believe him...I really really do,....but I don't! I find God...I think. I bring Him to my dad. I leave and move far away for a few years. He's found God now. He's very sorry...He cries "I'm sorry". I want it to feel good, and for it to make all the pain go away. It doesn't.

I'm 36. Lonely, lonely, lonely.

I'm 40. God brings me my husband to be. Thanks to my good friend, and thank you Lord!  What's a relationship supposed to be like? I've never had a real one...Not one where I haven't been abused! I'm Bossy, I want it my way!  HELP ME TO CHANGE!!!

I'm 42. We  are married in may of 2004. I'm very happy he..(dad) dosen't walk me down the isle! He's dead! 1 1/2 yrs now, but the son he never told us about ( my little sis found out about him going through my deceased step mothers papers) walks me down the isle!  Joy I am so happy. I love you hubby!

I'm 44. I'm still sad sometimes, and scared, and scarred, but....I am doing okay...what do ya want....I'm damaged goods! We probably all are in some way.

                                        by Donna Evans  7-3-04